
Some attorneys focus their practices on quantity, taking every case that comes their way. Mr. Bachrach refuses to do that. Instead, based upon Mr. Bachrach’s skill and success, his practice is selective and his clients know that if he takes their case then they will receive the quality, detail, and attention that they deserve.

Mr. Bachrach’s cases have included:

Federal death penalty trials, including defeating a death penalty prosecution in an insurance fraud/murder-fore-hire trial where the defendants had been accused of ordering the murder of at least four innocent victims (two in New York and two in Guyana, South America) in an effort to receive the proceeds of insurance policies taken out on the lives of the victims. Mr. Bachrach, along with his co-counsel and co-defendant’s counsel, convinced the jury to spare the lives of the defendants, despite the Government’s all-out attempts to execute them.

Successfully representing Ahmed Khalfan Ghailani, the first Guantanamo Bay, Cuba (GTMO) detainee transferred to civilian custody for trial. Ghailani was found guilty of only one count of a 308-count indictment charging him with the bombings of the United States embassies in Kenya and Tanzania. Along the way, Mr. Bachrach and his co-counsel won major victories requiring preclusion of evidence obtained as a result of the torture of their client, as well as requiring the United States government to disclose evidence well beyond what had ever been provided before.

Successfully challenging Section 702 of the FISA Amendments Act.   In United States v. Hasbajrami, Mr. Bachrach and his co-counsel became the first defense attorneys to successfully win a remand challenging the Government’s reliance on Section 702 of the FISA Amendments Act, which permits the Government to intercept certain electronic communications even without a warrant.  This was the first time a challenge to any section of FISA (the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act) had ever resulted in a defense remand or victory.  Earlier in this case, Mr. Bachrach and his co-counsel also became the first defense attorneys to convince a court to vacate a defendant’s guilty plea based upon the Government’s failure to disclose that its evidence against the defendant had been derived through Section 702 warrantless surveillance.

Representing NY State Assemblyman William Boyland Jr. in multiple prosecutions for participation in wide-ranging political bribery schemes. Mr. Bachrach’s representation led to Assemblyman Boyland’s acquittal on all counts of the Southern District of New York indictment, the only defendant in the case to be found not guilty.

As part of a team of experienced capital defense attorneys, Mr. Bachrach and his co-counsel convinced the court to prohibit the Government from seeking the death penalty against their client based upon the defendant’s intellectual disability.   It was one of the very rare times a defendant has prevailed in what is known as an Atkins hearing.

Representing escrow agent accused of misappropriating approximately $200,000,000 in funds.

Representing stock and bond traders accused in “pump and dump” and “boiler room” schemes.

Representing high-ranking members of organized crime families (what the Government refers to as La Cosa Nostra or the Mafia), in cases involving murder, gambling, money laundering, and both State and Federal racketeering conspiracies. Organized crime cases have included the representation of Vincent Basciano, the former boss of the Bonanno organized crime family.

Representing members of international drug cartels, as well as narcotics trafficking conspiracies stretching throughout New York, New Jersey, Maryland, Florida and points in between.

Representing one of the “million dollar madams” accused of running prostitution rings throughout New York City, as well as smaller cases involving lower level members of those rings.

Representing rap and hip hop artists in various criminal cases throughout New York City and Westchester.

In habeas corpus cases, gaining releases or new trials for inmates whose prior attorneys had provided them ineffective assistance of counsel.

Proving a defendant actually innocent who had served nearly 10 years in jail for a murder he did not commit.

Convincing a court to throw out case against a blind ex-con who the District Attorney’s Office had been attempting to maliciously prosecute for over 16-years.